Playing sports with a disability

Playing sports with a disability at USC

The UvA and AUAS offer support when studying with a disability. They both founded a platform (UvA IDEAS and Limitless) to make studying a pleasant and successful experience for students with disabilities. To make this come true, sports can play an important role too.

Are you curious about the possibilities of playing sports at USC with a disability? Send an e-mail to Arjan Petersen ( Together we will look at the possibilities!

New dance course

Starting this season, we have a new dance course at USC, which is very suitable for athletes with a disability: Dance discovery! This 9-week course is open to everyone who wants to explore the fun of exercising through modern dance improvisation.

What is a disability?

All health issues that lead to hindrance when studying. These are some examples:

  • AD(H)D
  • Auditory impairment
  • Autism (ASS)
  • Dyslexia of dyscalculia
  • Physical disability (including: chronic diseass, such as Crohn’s disease, diabetes, asthma, or CFS)
  • Mental health problems
  • Visual impairment