Stichting Studentensport Amsterdam (SSA) represents the interests of student sports in Amsterdam. SSA is also the umbrella body for student sports associations in Amsterdam. We also have close ties with the “Studenten Sport Nederland” foundation.

The SSA board consists of six enthusiastic students who want to contribute to student sports in Amsterdam in addition to their studies. Does this sound like something to you too, or would you like to make a different contribution? Then please send an email!

What does SSA do?

For all questions about student sports in Amsterdam, please contact SSA. We can tell you everything about where you can play sports at a student rate and how you can participate in student championships (NSKs) of different sports. We also arrange the Amsterdam delegation to major (inter)national sporting events such as the Batavierenrace and the “Groot Nederlands Studenten Kampioenschap” (GNSK). SSA also organizes events itself, such as the Oliebollen Futsal tournament and the sports gala. SSA also provides financial and policy support to student sports associations.

When do you turn to SSA?

Do you have questions, comments, complaints or suggestions about student sports in general, the student sports associations or the sports offering at USC? Would you like to register for the Batavierenrace, participate in the Oliebollen Futsal Tournament, or the Groot Nederlands Studenten Kampioenschap (GNSK)? Or do you want to organize a Dutch Student Championship (NSK) or other student sports event yourself? Please contact SSA. SSA can always use your help when organizing events. So if you would like to join a committee or help out during events, please let us know!


SSA has close ties with USC. If you have any suggestions, complaints or comments about USC, you can always contact us.
