Bye gymnastics hall, hello boulder gym!

Update 2 September

Monday 9 September, it’s really going to happen! Trucks full of boulders and other equipment will arrive. Our dream boulder gym will be built. Let’s start fantazising about climbing those routes by checking out this cool contstruction drawing 🤩.

Ontwerp nieuwe bouldergym USC Amsterdam
Can you picture yourself hanging on those walls?

Update 22 August

The gymnastics hall is starting to become unrecognizable and starting to turn into a boulder gym! Artists Robin and Gijs were working on this awesome mural over the past few weeks which can now be seen from the fitness. Now that everything is demolished, it’s time to start building! Time to fix that we can hang there just like the climbers painted on the wall 💪.

The first climbers in our new boulder gym!

Update 16 July

This week the construction of the new boulder gym has officially started! Although, there is a lot of demolition to be done first… All parts of the gymnastics hall (like baskets, school climbing frames, and much more) are dismantled, after which building the boulder gym can really begin. In the meantime, Ywen is reliving his student job as a dishwasher with the new climbing holds washing machine. This way, all climbing holds will look REAL shiny when they’re on the wall 😉.

Bouw nieuwe boulderhal USC

First, dismantle everything from the gymnastics hall!

Ywen wasmachine bouldergrepen USC

Ywen and the new climbing hold washing machine

Update 12 June

You can’t see much of it yet, but it’s really going to happen this summer: a big new boulder gym in the gymnastics hall of Universum! All storage rooms are already stuffed with new boulder goodies, such as fancy climbing blocks and a new climbing hold washing machine (yeah, that’s a thing…). One of the dressing rooms in Universum will also be changed into a climbing work/storage area. More about that in July!

Ywen Boulderen USC sport Amsterdam

USC climbing coordinator Ywen in the storage room

Update 16 May

It’s official: we are going to turn the Universum gymastics hall into one big boulder paradise. Full of new routes, colorful climbing holds, and a nice atmosphere. Renovations will start in July, the goal is to hang on the wall in the fall. Stay tuned… 👀

New bouldering gym USC Amsterdam

The design drawing of the new bouldering hall