
USC Fysiotherapie is an allround physiotherapy practice located in Amsterdam. We have 3 locations in the city: at sportcentrum Universum, Amstelcampus sport & fitness, and at the Roeterseiland Campus (REC).

How do we distinguish ourselves?

  • Active approach and treatment methods
  • Pre and postoperative guidance
  • Specific expertise in the areas of knee, shoulder and back and more!
  • Extensive experience and expertise in the field of both adult and children sports injuries.
  • Sports rehabilitation: recreational and professional sports.

Furthermore, we guide and counsel students and employees of the UvA and AUAS with work-related injuries such as a tennis elbow or RSI complaints.


At Universum (Science Park) and Amstelcampus we have the unique opportunity to use the equipment and various training rooms for your rehabilition and training. In addition, we have the option of field training at our Zeeburgia location, which makes the total offer complete. We stimulate exercise and an active approach for your recovery, and use various methods of treatment, such as exercise therapy, massage and manual techniques.

Costs and coverage

If you have additional insurance, the physiotherapy treatment fees are usually covered by your health insurance. We have agreements with nearly all large health insurance companies. If you don’t have additional insurance for physiotherapy, you will receive an invoice afterwards. For information about prices and conditions, please refer to our website and the information in the waiting area.

If you are unable to attend, we ask you to cancel at least 24 hours in advance. Unfortunately, a missed appointment will not be reimbursed by the health insurance company.

Fysiokliniek Amsterdam

Fysiokliniek Amsterdam is specialized in sports injuries. To help you structurally, we are only satisfied when not just your pain is gone, but the cause is dealt with too! Feel free to knock on our door in ClubWest, call 020-2376000, or send an email to

USC Fysiotherapie
Sportcentrum Universum
Monday – Sunday
Tel. (020) 240 64 14

Heath center Roeterseiland (REC)
Monday – Friday

Amstelcampus sport & fitness
Monday – Friday
Tel. (020) 240 64 21

Website: Make an appointment online.

Fysiokliniek Amsterdam
ClubWest sport & fitness
Tel. (020) 237 60 00

Website: Make an appointment online.

This service is available at the location(s):