Some love for USC
We can’t stress this enough: we are so happy with and grateful for you as members. Always have been, but during a bizarre year as 2020 even a little more. All the sweet messages and support statements we received from you in 2020 really pulled us through. A small selection from some of the love we received ❤️
“Thank you all for the great online and outdoor
classes, in anticipation of better times!”
“Quick comment/feedback: i really love your newsletters and the way you write it. beginning with soccer game analogy, the subtle funny humor (“8 liter nomad backpack”, i shit my pants!) the positivity and as well the clarity.
this really motivates me to extend my contract, which runs out in about two weeks =).”
“Stay strong!!”
“Thank you for you service guys, as a student I found it great to see you always helpful, professional and so kind.”
“You are all such sweet and enthusiastic
people and we can’t let you go bankrupt!”
“Massive thanks to both Laura and Jelmer for their live workouts in USC Groepfitness! You guys are both awesome teachers and the effort to prepare and execute these sessions is very much appreciated in this times. Thank you!”
“Hi USC, Just wanted to say
that I really appreciate your news updates.
They’re super informative and
extremely fun to read. Hang in there!”
“Thank you for the update,
and I’m sorry that this is happening!”
“Hey USC, Definitely have a GO from me to take the money, I understand this times are hard for gyms so would like to support you guys through this times and hopefully see you all soon :)”
“Thank you for all the great online classes!
It helps me to keep exercising and
feel good in these strange times.”
“Working out at home is more difficult than you think, hope you can open up again soon”
“Hi ClubWest team, I just want to give my compliments for the Open Air program and you as a team. You are doing great! I think the group classes are awesome, and I am fully motivated again. So: thanks!!!”
“A compliment among the, probably, less pleasant e-mails and in these strange times.
Crazy how fast and clear you are in all communication regarding new corona measures!
And certainly also for the fun / easy going communication style :)”
“Started training 2 months ago
and I love it,
can’t wait for the lockdown to be over
so I can come to USC again.”
“I already knew that classes at USC are very important to me, but with the on / off / on / off because of corona I only realized that more. I am very happy with the Zoom classes – of course those are less fun than being at USC, but so much better than nothing! It’s great that you were able to arrange this so quickly.”