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It’s true! Registration for the last course period of the USC season has already started . Immerse yourself in the overflowing overview with courses such as powerlifting, calisthenics, urban fusion, fencing, and padel. All starting in the week of 21 April.
At ClubWest, lots of USC members are participating in Ramadan this month. Including Abdel, for whom ClubWest is not only his favorite gym, but also his favorite place to study! In this interview, he shares how working out at USC helps him during Ramadan, and which snack (and workout) he treats himself to after fasting.
Be an early bird this year! After all, there are some serious benefits to signing up early for the Damloop with Team AUAS or Team UvA. 1) There is definitely a free spot. 2) You have lots of time to train for the 16 km. 3) And when you’re at the start in September, you’ll have forgotten that you ever even paid for your ticket .