Home News Page 7
Since we can’t have you guys over at the moment, we have quite some time for handiwork and thorough cleaning. Check what’s happening at the USC locations.
Right before the corona crisis hit the fan, Carlijn filmed her first USC Challenge, the muscle-up. After 2 months of blisters and constant muscle soreness, 2 March was D-day… Did she make it? Check this video and find out!
Will Carlijn make the first USC Challenge? And how about you? Come support her and show your own muscle-up! This Monday 2 March | 19.00 | fitness studio at USC Universum. You can also do the challenge at another USC location. Tag us on insta, we’d love that ♥
The first month of this USC Challenge is done. Carlijn is going deep, shit is tough, but she’s still super motivated. And that’s because of your support! Check Carlijn’s road to muscle-up, keep giving her that much needed support and keep on working out yourself.
With the new climbing + fitness membership you have access to 3 sports: climbing, bouldering and fitness. Before you ‘can get’ this membership, you need a climbing certificate. Don’t have one yet? Go get it: start a beginners climbing course. Pretty sure you have enough experience and you won’t fall down? Make an appoint for a belaying check!
We are in week 3 of the first ever USC Challenge: the muscle-up… How is Carlijn doing? She has some blisters on her hands, but she’s still going strong! Check her progression via the stories at @usc_universum.
Sparring with Stef is no fun. He’ll always be better than you. And if you don’t pay attention for just one second, he’ll hit you in the face. No fun at all, you’d say. It is though! Stef is one of the most popular USC instructors ever. After 19 years of knocking out students, Stef has definitely earned this title as honorary teacher. Congrats Stef!
In the previous newsletter we told you about the new booty builders at 4 of our gym locations. What we didn’t tell you, how does the thing work? Check this instruction video by our one and only Jelmer (not really suitable for work).
Carlijn will start a couple of challenges in 2020. The first: training for a muscle-up in just 2 months. Check her awesome kick-off video with some muscle-up tips and exercises, and see how you can also join USC Challenge #1: muscle-up!
We can’t stop repeating how much fun Padel – something between tennis and squash – is. Check out this padel video to see how suprising, speedy, smart and social it actually is! Book a court? Easy!